No rehearsal tonight! Happy Halloween! KEEP PRACTICING!
EAGLES HOCKEY (SUMMIT AND PEAK): We are performing the National Anthem at the Eagles Hockey game at the Budweiser Event Center this coming Saturday, Nov. 5th. Here is the link to use to purchase tickets. https://fevo.me/gccnov5 Your singer gets a free ticket, but you still need to order one for them. There is a place to order a "performer ticket" and a place to order "non-performer" tickets. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and family with the discounted ticket price! The Eagles organization requires singers to be there at 5:15 even though the game doesn't begin until 7:00. Please bring them to main entrance of the event center. They should wear their blue polos and jeans.
WAIVER: If you didn't get in during the last two rehearsals to sign the waiver list, please be sure to bring your singer into the Budweiser Event Center to sign it so your singer can perform!
FUNDRAISER: Our winter fundraiser is underway. Shop for the holidays and add to your PFA. Use this link to send to family and friends. Register, Shop and Raise Funds! Greeley Children's Chorale
Happy Fundraising!