3RD TUITION PAYMENT FOR SUMMIT AND PEAK: Your singer's 3rd tuition payment is due tonight (September 12). You can pay in person with cash, check or personal fundraising account or online through the member portal.
FUNDRAISER: We are excited to partner with Warm Hugs for our first optional fundraiser. All singers will receive an order form along with additional information tomorrow night. Please know that this is optional. However, 40% profit will go to your singer's PFA if you choose to participate. All forms and payments will be due at practice on Sept. 26th. This is a firm deadline. No late orders; please plan to submit on time. Please let us know if you have specific questions once you receive the order form.
ATTENDANCE: Included here is the attendance policy as outlined in the contract. We were very lenient last year due to COVID, but will be stricter this year in regard to absences AND tardies. We are happy for and encourage kids to be involved in other activities but not to the detriment of GCC obligations.
Attendance at rehearsals and major performances is mandatory. Weekly rehearsals during the school year will be held on Monday evenings from 5:30–7:00 p.m. Promptness is required. Additional rehearsals may be scheduled prior to each concert. Major performances this season include Poinsettia Pops (Peak only), Winter’s Eve Songfest, our Stars concert, and Spring Sing.
Attendance is tracked on a point system. Arriving up to 10 minutes late for a rehearsal or leaving up to 10 minutes early will accrue 1 point. Arriving later or leaving earlier than 10 minutes will accrue 1.5 points. Missing a rehearsal will accrue 3 points. Singers will not be allowed to perform if they accumulate:
11 points for Poinsettia Pops (Peak only);
12 points for Winter’s Eve;
5 points for Stars, and
11 points for Spring Sing.
Points reset at the beginning of the year and after each major concert except Poinsettia Pops.
FORMAL UNIFORM SIZING FORM FOR VALLEY, SUMMIT AND PEAK: If you haven't filled out the following form, please do so ASAP! Measuring singers for their uniform begins tonight (September 12). Even if you don't have a tape measure and are unable take measurements, please fill out all the other info on the form! Greeley Children's Chorale Formal Concert Attire Information PEAK TOUR: The commitment and deposit are due for our trip to San Diego NEXT Monday, the 19th! Please sure to let us know if you have questions. OKTOBREWFEST: Sept. 24th at Lincoln Park. Call time 10:50. Performance 11:10.