As a participant of the Greeley Children’s Chorale, at least one member from each family is required to participate on an assigned committee. These committees help us keep our costs lower by not contracting this work out. Thank you so much for investing in your child’s activities and the Greeley Children’s Chorale. Following are brief descriptions of each committee.
Duties include arriving 15 minutes early to set up nametags, doing the attendance which includes keeping track of late arrivals and absent singers, making phone calls to parents for non-attendees, assisting with medical situations or sick singers that need to call home, staying until all singers have been picked up at the end of rehearsal, putting away nametags and tables and doing a walkthrough of the rehearsal space to ensure it is cleaned up and nothing has been left behind. To fulfill your committee requirement, you must serve at two rehearsals a quarter.
Concert Parents
Duties include helping and supervising during dress rehearsals, helping at our major concerts with anything that might come up or with medical emergencies that occur during a performance, assist singers and directors at pop-up concert events and remaining at pop-up events until all children are picked up. To fulfill your committee requirement, you must be available to help at one dress rehearsal, one major concert and one pop-up event.
Formal Concert Attire
Duties include helping measure singers for their formal uniform during camp and at the first rehearsals of the season, hemming (or arranging for hemming) of pants, being at our major concerts to help with any uniform issues and placing ties on the boys and collecting ties at the end of the concert, help throughout the season when sizing issues arise for singers and helping with check-in and inventory of attire at the end of the season. To fulfill your committee requirement, you must help with measurement at one day of camp or at one of the first rehearsals, help at one major concert and help one time during the season or at check-in at the end of the season.
Duties include helping distribute our season tickets to families in November following completion of the final tuition payment, being at the last rehearsal prior to each major concert to sell tickets to families that need to purchase additional tickets, be at each major concert to sell tickets to concert goers at the door. To fulfill your committee requirement, you must be at the distribution rehearsal in November or at one rehearsal to sell tickets and at two major concerts to help with the sale of tickets at the door.
Duties include providing cookies at the rehearsals following each major concert or if another occasion presents itself, setting up cookies and serving, cleaning up and taking care of leftover cookies once singers have left. To fulfill your committee requirement, you must provide cookies two times and help with set-up/serving/clean-up one time.
Camp Personnel
Duties include helping with various duties during the summer day camp typically held at the end of July/beginning of August. These duties include but are not limited to helping with check-in, setting up and serving snacks, attendance and supervision during snack and lunch and break times. To fulfill your committee requirement, you must attend and help one full day of camp or two half days.
Silent Auction
Duties include contacting businesses and individuals to collect items and services for the auction that is held during the Stars concert in February, putting together baskets and organizing collected items and services, preparing paperwork needed, setting up and running the auction and closing out the auction at the end of the concert. To fulfill your committee requirement, you must help with the collection of items and be available to help with set-up, running of and closing out of the auction at the Stars concert.
Duties include helping stuff programs with concert inserts and donor envelopes at the morning dress rehearsal prior to each major concert or if there is no morning rehearsal being early to do programs, collecting tickets at the door as attendees enter, monitoring venue entrances during the concerts to ensure attendees are entering only between songs and doing a walk-through of the concert venue to assure programs and trash are picked up and nothing has been left behind. To fulfill your committee requirement, you must help stuff programs one time and usher at two concerts.