PICTURE ORDER FORM: Here is a link to the picture order form. You can also purchase them online! Look under the parent/singer tab for "Make a Payment." Go under "For Parents" and click on the "shop" button. Note that there is a digital option on the paper form in addition to purchasing actual photos if you are paying in person. Please fill out the form carefully and be sure your singer's name is on it. MOM'S POPCORN FUNDRAISER: Orders for this fundraiser are due tomorrow night! Please be sure you have counted the money, and it matches the orders you have taken. Also, please be sure your singer's name is clearly written on the order form. The goal is to get this turned in this week, so we have the popcorn before Thanksgiving break. KING SOOPERS REWARDS: Last call for your 3rd quarter earnings if you are doing KS scrip! Please send a screenshot to this email. If you just signed up last quarter, you probably won't have any rewards yet, but you can always check. You will find your rewards by clicking on the Rewards tab, then clicking on the Community Rewards tab and looking at the bottom right of your screen. Please send these by the end of the day tomorrow. NEXT MONDAY: You are invited to a GCC Social Event! What: Fun at the LINC library and Ornament Making Activity! When: Monday, October 30th, 5pm-7pm Who: All singers (including Valley) and their families *All singers and siblings must be supervised by a guardian during this event- GCC will not provide supervision. Where: LINC library 501 8th Ave, Greeley Details: This year, in an effort to promote community among singers, we are hoping to hold some fun social events. On October 30th we are not able to have regular rehearsal since District 6 is closed, so come have some fun instead! Each November, GCC decorates a tree in the Festival of Trees in the UCCC lobby, which stays on display through the holiday season. This year, we would like to change up how we decorate the tree and invite each singer to create their own ornament! We have the large Innovation Room reserved at the LINC and would like for the singers to rotate through the room to make their ornament by last name. When you are not making your ornament, you are free to explore all of the fun and incredible exhibits that the LINC has to offer! Please join us in the classroom using the following schedule: A-M: 5:15-6:00pm N-Z: 6:00-6:45pm NUTCRACKER REHEARSAL: 7:00-7:15 every Monday right after regular rehearsal from now until the performances! GREELEY PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA CONCERT: Please see attached flyers about a concert featuring music by Hispanic composers and pieces based on Mexican folk tunes presented by the GPO. UPCOMING DATES: The Holiday season will soon be upon us, and we know that this is a busy time for everyone. Please be sure you have the following dates on your calendar. Friday, Dec. 1st: Peak rehearsal with the Philharmonic Orchestra for Poinsettia Pops 7:00-8:00pm. Friday, Dec. 1st: Summit pop-up concert with UNC. Call time 5:30; concert 7:30. Saturday, Dec. 2nd: Peak rehearsal for Poinsettia Pops 3:00-4:30pm and then the concert at 7:00. Saturday, Dec. 9th: (Valley, Summit & Peak) Winter's Eve Songfest 11:00am. Rehearsal prior to the performance. Details can be found on the website and will go out in future emails.
GCC Notes October 23, 2023
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