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GCC Notes: December 5, 2022

A huge THANK YOU to our Peak Performers and their families for representing GCC beautifully at the Poinsettia Pops concert. We know this is a busy time of year and your commitment to GCC and this annual event are greatly appreciated! It's a wonderful way to kick off the holiday season!

Now time for our first concert!

WINTER'S EVE SAT. DEC. 10TH: Our first concert of the season is this coming Saturday, Dec. 10th at 11:00 am at First United Methodist Church. There will be rehearsal in the morning prior to the concert and your singer will stay from the beginning of their rehearsal time through the concert. We will provide snacks for them when they are not rehearsing. The rehearsal and concert are both at First United Methodist Church. Here are the times for each group. Please be sure they are there and ready to be on stage at their designated rehearsal times. Peak: 8:30 Summit: 9:00 Valley: 9:30 Singers should arrive at rehearsal dressed in their concert attire. For Summit and Peak that is your formal uniform. For Valley that is your black pants and blue GCC polo shirts. Just a reminder that hair needs to be pulled back out of faces with black hair accessories. Singers should wear black socks. Girls need a simple black ballet flat and boys a black dress shoe. If girls need to wear a bra or cami under their blouse, please be sure it is flesh color.

TICKETS: There are still a handful of you who have not picked up your tickets. You will need them for Saturday's concert! Be sure to come into rehearsal to get them or you will need to pick them up Saturday before the concert.

CO-BRANDED GIFT CARDS: We have the opportunity to get some more name recognition in the community by partnering with Texas Roadhouse and doing co-branded gift cards with them. They will create gift cards that will look similar to the attachment below and we then purchase them and give them as gifts or use them ourselves if we eat there. In addition to our logo being on the gift cards, they will put up a "billboard" type sign, with our logo, in the restaurant for their patrons to see. This is not a fundraiser. This is just another method for us to put our name out there. So where do you come in? If you would like to be part of this with us, you can respond to this message and let us know that you would like to purchase some Texas Roadhouse gift cards. They can be in any denomination from $5.00 to $100.00. As stated above, you could use them for Christmas gifts, birthday gifts, anniversary gifts, etc. You could also use them for yourselves if your family goes there to eat or takes carry out home. If you are an employer, you could use them as a thank you or as a special recognition for your employees. These cards do not expire!

We need to know by December 12th, our last rehearsal before break, how many gift cards you would like to purchase and in what amounts, and we would need to receive the payment for them by that date. Texas Roadhouse can have them to us in a week and I (Tonia), would be happy to deliver them to you.

NUTCRACKER SINGER REMINDER: Singers, please be sure to check your times for all upcoming 5 days (12-7 to 12-11) on the sheet handed out to you a few weeks ago, attached to the comp ticket. Singers also received their T-shirt last week. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Davis.

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