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GCC Notes January 23, 2023

UNIFORMS: As we are just a few weeks away from our Stars concert (Peak & Summit), it's time to double check how your singer's uniform is fitting. Someone from the uniform committee will be at rehearsal tomorrow night to switch out pieces that your singer may have grown out of. Send their uniform with them if changes need to be made. Please don't wait until the week of the concert! Thank you!

VALLEY VOICES: Valley has begun to learn the Star-Spangled Banner and River in Judea (our signature song). They can practice at home with the rehearsal links on our website. Go to the drop-down menu under the Parents & Singers tab, click on Practice, then click on "Camp/Oktoberfest."

SAVE THE DATE: We will be performing the National Anthem at the Colorado Rockies game on Sunday, April 30th. Valley Voices gets to join us for this one! More details coming soon.

SILENT AUCTION: It is time for our annual GCC Silent Auction that occurs at our Stars concert in February!! The proceeds from the silent auction go toward scholarships for GCC Alumni pursuing a music degree. It is open to any high school senior who graduated from GCC and is majoring or minoring in music. We need your help please!! We would appreciate at least one donation from EVERY GCC family! You can contribute gift cards (stores, restaurants, services) or tickets to an event, you can contribute a basket, you can pair with other family/families and contribute a basket, you can contribute items to be included in baskets and you can contribute containers/supplies with which to make the “baskets” (these can be actual baskets as well as smaller tubes, buckets, toolboxes, etc. – be creative!).

Basket ideas include (but are certainly not limited to!): Pamper Basket, Pet Basket, Game Night Basket, Movie Night Basket, Chocolate Basket, Night Out Basket, Manly Man Basket, Coffee Basket, Sports Basket…use your imagination!! Get wild and crazy!! Please bring your items/baskets to Greeley West on GCC nights (Monday nights) or call Amber Arens for pick up (970-405-6161). We need all items by Monday January 30th. Thank you SO much for your continued support!! GCC Silent Auction Committee SUMMIT SINGERS THAT ATTEND FRONTIER: A correction from the info sent out about the Choral Festival. According to a letter sent from Mr. Long to parents, students will not be bussed to the UCCC for the festival. You will need to provide transportation for your singer. Sorry for any confusion and please double check with Mr. Long if you have questions. BUTTER BRAID FUNDRAISER: This is your last week to sell Butter braids to raise money for your personal fundraising account.

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