SUMMIT/VALLEY EXTRAVAGANZA: Our annual celebration of our two younger choirs is tomorrow night! We will have pizza and fun entertainment! Valley Voices, please plan on staying for the full rehearsal time from 5:30-7:00 if possible. SAVE THE DATE: Monday, April 10th is our Sneak-a-Peek night. This is an evening where you can invite friends, who might be interested in GCC, or friends that you think would love to join GCC, to come check us out and get a sneak peek! Kids and their parents are invited to join us from 5:30-6:30 to see what a rehearsal looks like, sing some fun songs and play some games with us. Be thinking of friends and/or family that you can invite! SPRING SING T-SHIRTS: We will be ordering our Spring Sing t-shirts soon. If your singer has grown significantly since you filled out their shirt size on the singer information page on the portal, please go in and indicate a new size as soon as possible!
CONFERENCES: Greeley West is having parent teacher conferences tomorrow night and it is our understanding that students will be making presentations in the commons area. So, we have been asked not to use the commons area during rehearsal. We will have name tags on a table in the hallway where we rehearse. Have your singer use the restroom if needed and then quietly get their name tag and head directly to their rehearsal room. If you are a parent that hangs out and waits for your singer, your only option is to wait in the hallway if you want to wait inside. This might be a good night to go run an errand or two if needed!
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!