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GCC Notes September 4

No rehearsal on Labor Day. Enjoy your 3-day weekend!

SNAP! RAISE: Thank you to the 12 of our families that have entered emails on Snap! Raise. We appreciate you taking the time to do this!

Y'all, that's only 20% of our 80% goal! In order for our fundraiser to launch on Tuesday, we have to have 80% of us (which is 48) with emails entered. We have until Tuesday morning at 7:00 am to reach this goal.

I'm going to reiterate the necessity of us doing this fundraiser. Everything is costing more: music, uniforms, office supplies (printer ink, stamps, envelopes), concert venues (yes, we have to pay for the use of buildings for our concerts), credit card expenses (it costs us money to provide the ability for our families to pay with credit cards), insurance and licensing fees just to name a handful.

We have many families in our community that are unable to participate in GCC due to our cost. We have lost families that can't continue to participate, due to our cost. If we can't find an alternative way to raise funds, like Snap! Raise, we will have to seriously look at raising tuition in the future to meet rising costs. That means we will most likely see fewer kids auditioning and the possibility of more families having to leave.

We want to see GCC continue and be affordable to as many families as possible, but we need your help!

If, for any reason, you feel that you aren't able to participate in this fundraiser, will you please reach out and let us know? If we are looking at 30-36 families that can't do this, at the very least we have to postpone our launch or back out of this opportunity and look at something different.

Visit this link to start:

Thank you for your help and support of GCC!

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